
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

Virgos are true friends. They carefully consider what is best for themselves and their families. Spontaneity has little appeal for them. They love system and order above all things. Because of this they tend to plan for every eventuality, even in love and romance. Their love of order can lead them to be overly fastidious. They are unfailingly punctual and expect the same from others. They will not betray their highly developed sense of duty and responsibility even if it causes them pain and suffering. They have a tendency to dismiss as unimportant, things they don't fully understand and sometimes can be a bit snobbish. This can create obstacles to their spiritual development.

Virgos are not easy to get to know, but if you win over, you have gained a real treasure. Virgos are not fair-weather friends. They will stick by you through thick and thin.

Virgos are good at detailed work. They like things to be orderly. If they can avoid overdoing this tendency, they can be of great service to those around them.

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