
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

A happy family, peaceful surroundings, these are the most important things for those born in Taurus. Taurus will think carefully before acting. He has no interest in making quick or impulsive decision but knows that everything in nature takes time to reach fulfillment. So he will give himself the time and leisure to allow his thoughts to find their proper form. But once he enters upon a course of action, he will persevere until the goal is reached. Those born in Taurus are dubious about change and innovation, and material security is always very important to them. And to avoid ever finding themselves in need, they will stretch each penny as far as it will go. For this reason they are sometimes seen as tight-fisted and penny-pinching. But that is not really the case. Taurus is a true friend and will go to great lengths to help someone in need. But only when it is really necessary. This sign does not crave the limelight. Taurus is happiest sitting in the second row. Good at problem solving, he will take his time and come up with practical solutions. He is naturally skilled at working with his hands.

Taurus individuals are family-oriented. They will do anything, even work themselves to the bone, for the ones they love.

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