
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries wants to be the first and the best and for the most part succeeds in it. He never loses sight of his goals, neither in his personal or professional life. Aries keeps his youthful spirits well onto old age. He often begins an entirely new life in retirement, but only after determining that it will be to his advantage. Those born under the sign of the ram are strong-willed people and do not like to relinquish control. That's why it's hard for them to give themselves to other; they are afraid of feeling weak and helpless. Sensing their own weaknesses makes them irritable and moody. They try to cover up their dissatisfaction. So one has to learn to forgive their moody outbursts. Aries has many good qualities. He does not rake up the past and exhibits stamina, graciousness, a sense of justice and openness. Because of his open nature Aries can easily go too far; he can laugh at what others find offensive. But if he senses that he has hurt someone's feeling, he is the first to apologize.

With great enthusiasm, Aries will achieved his realistic, attainable goals and can marshal tremendous resources to do so.

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