
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Handmade Bracelet with Citrine Stones

Zodiac sign: Leo
Created for Ms Angeline Koh


Citrine in color brings Leo relaxation and rest, when she becomes drained by her strenuous efforts to reach her goals. It awakens compassion and the necessary understanding to consider the feelings of others, as she strives for plaudits and success.

This Merchant stones attracts wealth, success, increase motivation and activates creativity.

Increase Love Methods: For female, Citrine is beneficial.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

" A pair of bracelets for a pair of twins ".

Zodiac sign: Libra
Created for Zhen Yi and En Wey


Turquoise brings together within itself the blue vibration of the heaven and the green of the earth. This is an ideal combination for Libra, who is always looking for harmony and balance. Since Turquoise captures the uplifting vibration of the cosmos, it is an invaluable ally for those facing adversity.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries wants to be the first and the best and for the most part succeeds in it. He never loses sight of his goals, neither in his personal or professional life. Aries keeps his youthful spirits well onto old age. He often begins an entirely new life in retirement, but only after determining that it will be to his advantage. Those born under the sign of the ram are strong-willed people and do not like to relinquish control. That's why it's hard for them to give themselves to other; they are afraid of feeling weak and helpless. Sensing their own weaknesses makes them irritable and moody. They try to cover up their dissatisfaction. So one has to learn to forgive their moody outbursts. Aries has many good qualities. He does not rake up the past and exhibits stamina, graciousness, a sense of justice and openness. Because of his open nature Aries can easily go too far; he can laugh at what others find offensive. But if he senses that he has hurt someone's feeling, he is the first to apologize.

With great enthusiasm, Aries will achieved his realistic, attainable goals and can marshal tremendous resources to do so.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Handmade Key Ring with Buddha's Image and Black Tourmaline, Hematite Stones

Zodiac sign: Aries
Created for Mr Lee


This stone can bring Aries down to earth when he reaches too high and bring him into a better relationship with reality. It promotes purity and increases his level of physical energy.

Black Tourmaline

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

A happy family, peaceful surroundings, these are the most important things for those born in Taurus. Taurus will think carefully before acting. He has no interest in making quick or impulsive decision but knows that everything in nature takes time to reach fulfillment. So he will give himself the time and leisure to allow his thoughts to find their proper form. But once he enters upon a course of action, he will persevere until the goal is reached. Those born in Taurus are dubious about change and innovation, and material security is always very important to them. And to avoid ever finding themselves in need, they will stretch each penny as far as it will go. For this reason they are sometimes seen as tight-fisted and penny-pinching. But that is not really the case. Taurus is a true friend and will go to great lengths to help someone in need. But only when it is really necessary. This sign does not crave the limelight. Taurus is happiest sitting in the second row. Good at problem solving, he will take his time and come up with practical solutions. He is naturally skilled at working with his hands.

Taurus individuals are family-oriented. They will do anything, even work themselves to the bone, for the ones they love.

Handmade Anklet with Chrysocolla Stones

Zodiac sign: Taurus
Created for Yee Foong


This gemstone opens the eyes of Taurus to the beauties of nature and helps her to see the oneness of heaven and earth. Then she can free herself from doubt and make her life richer and happier. Stress and anxiety will also be reduced.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

Virgos are true friends. They carefully consider what is best for themselves and their families. Spontaneity has little appeal for them. They love system and order above all things. Because of this they tend to plan for every eventuality, even in love and romance. Their love of order can lead them to be overly fastidious. They are unfailingly punctual and expect the same from others. They will not betray their highly developed sense of duty and responsibility even if it causes them pain and suffering. They have a tendency to dismiss as unimportant, things they don't fully understand and sometimes can be a bit snobbish. This can create obstacles to their spiritual development.

Virgos are not easy to get to know, but if you win over, you have gained a real treasure. Virgos are not fair-weather friends. They will stick by you through thick and thin.

Virgos are good at detailed work. They like things to be orderly. If they can avoid overdoing this tendency, they can be of great service to those around them.

Handmade Anklet with Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst and Hematite Stones

Zodiac sign: Virgo
Created for Ms Soo Yee

Handmade Child's Anklet with Swarosvki Cyrstals

Zodiac sign: Pisces
Created for Caitlyn Lee (5 years old)