
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Handmade Bracelet with Sodalite and Tiger's Eye Stones - Zodiac Sign: Virgo


Uniting logic with intuition, Sodalite opens spiritual perception, bringing the higher mind down to the physical. This stone stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands, harmonizes with the third eye, and deepens meditation to understand the circumstances in which you find yourself. Instilling a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, Sodalite encourages being true to yourself and standing up for beliefs. Eliminating confusion and intellectual bondage, it releases mental conditioning and rigid beliefs, creating space to put new insights into practice. Bringing about emotional balance, Sodalite transforms a defensive or oversensitive personality, releasing core fears and control mechanisms and integrating shadow qualities.

Sodalite for Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Sodalite possesses intense power. Its deep blue color represents spiritual strength. It serves to connect the material and spiritual worlds. It will increase Virgo's inner awareness and help it find expression in daily life.

Tiger's Eye for Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Tiger's eye leads Virgo away from overly structured activities and lightens the burdens of daily life. It lessens her need for security and stops her second-guessing herself in order to conform to other people's expectation. It also helps him to be less of a perfectionist, makes her more aware of her feelings and motivates her to open herself up without fear.

Rm 468 - SOLD

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