
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Handmade Anklet with Sodalite and Black Onyx Stones for Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Sodalite for Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Sodalite strengthens one's mental faculties. Its blue color helps Cancer keep a cool head in the midst of powerful emotions. It also encourages him to return to face the challenges from which he has retreated.
Black Onyx
Black Onyx is a protective stone for dark nights and lonely places. Taking you forward to view the future, it facilitates being master of your destiny. A stone of separation that banishes old habits, Onyx is useful when a relationship needs stabilizing or when it has passed its sell-by-date and needs releasing.
Rm380 - SOLD

Handmade Key Ring with Protection Stones for Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


Obsidian loosens rigidities. Obsidian not only eases psychological problem, it also relaxes constrictions in the shoulder and neck areas that often plague Scorpio. This comes from her iron will, which does not allow her to let go or give her thoughts free rein.


This gemstone give Scorpions the ability to acknowledge her shortcomings and better deal with them. It increases her compassion for herself and others. It helps her to speak hard truths in a more tactful and gentle way.


Hematite is an especially helpful stone for one born under the sign of Scorpio. It offers him patience and peace of mind. With its wonderful earth stones, it enables her to compromise and be more trusting of her partner, to put aside her own wishes and give herself to another.


Red Coral helps Scorpio fully enjoy life. It brings joy, energy and sensuality and protects her from envy and resentment. It helps her deal with jealousy and self-doubt.

Hand of Fatima

Evil Eye

Rm 100 - SOLD

Handmade Bracelet with Sodalite and Tiger's Eye Stones - Zodiac Sign: Virgo


Uniting logic with intuition, Sodalite opens spiritual perception, bringing the higher mind down to the physical. This stone stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands, harmonizes with the third eye, and deepens meditation to understand the circumstances in which you find yourself. Instilling a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, Sodalite encourages being true to yourself and standing up for beliefs. Eliminating confusion and intellectual bondage, it releases mental conditioning and rigid beliefs, creating space to put new insights into practice. Bringing about emotional balance, Sodalite transforms a defensive or oversensitive personality, releasing core fears and control mechanisms and integrating shadow qualities.

Sodalite for Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Sodalite possesses intense power. Its deep blue color represents spiritual strength. It serves to connect the material and spiritual worlds. It will increase Virgo's inner awareness and help it find expression in daily life.

Tiger's Eye for Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Tiger's eye leads Virgo away from overly structured activities and lightens the burdens of daily life. It lessens her need for security and stops her second-guessing herself in order to conform to other people's expectation. It also helps him to be less of a perfectionist, makes her more aware of her feelings and motivates her to open herself up without fear.

Rm 468 - SOLD

Friday, December 19, 2008

Handmade Bracelet with Agate Stones - Zodiac sign: Scorpio

A truth amulet in ancient Rome, or bound to the left arm to ensure bountiful crops, Agate was sometimes engraved with a snake to guard against snakebite. A grounding stone with a powerful multilevel cleansing effect, bringing about emotional, physical, and intellectual balance, Agate stabilizes energy and harmonizes yin and yang. It can bring hidden information to light. Soothing and calming, this stone works slowly but with great strength. Agate facilitates acceptance of your Self and speaking your truth. Overcoming bitterness of the heart, it heals inner anger, fostering courage to start again. Encouraging assimilation of life experiences, Agate facilitates stable spiritual growth.
Agate for Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Agate's crystalline inclusion give Scorpio the purity and clarity to recognize, his inner nature. With its help, he can maintain this inner purity and face any difficulty that life has to offer.
Rm198 - SOLD

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Handmade Anklet with Amethyst and Obsidian Stones - Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Amethyst derives from the Greek for "to be intoxicated" and was worn to prevent drunkenness. Promoting love of the divine, Amethyst encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Opening multidimensional awareness, it enhances metaphysical abilities and is an excellent stone for meditation and scrying. A natural tranquilizer, Amethyst blocks geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. Harmonizing the physical, mental, and emotional bodies and linking them to the spiritual, it purifies the aura. This stone has a sobering effect on overindulgence and overcomes addictions. Beneficial to the mind, it calms or stimulates as appropriate, helping to feel more focused, assisting assimilation of new ideas, and connecting cause with effect. Amethyst enhances memory and improves motivation. This stone balances emotional highs and lows.
Amethyst for Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Amethyst encourages Sagittarius to trust his instincts. When he has been knocked down and begins to doubt his core values, Amethyst will give him the spiritual power to recognise life's meaningfulness. Then he will be able to once again listen to his inner voice calling him to a higher purpose.
Obsidian for Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Obsidian will help Sagittarius in pursuing his goals and in his journey of self-discovery. It protects him from doubts and negative influences that could constrict his talents. Obsidian can help Sagittarius overcome emotional blockages and unhealthy vibrations and restore his natural optimism.
Rm 148 - SOLD

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Swarovski Bracelet for Erinn - 4 years old

Rm25 - SOLD

Handmade Anklet with Moonstones, Black Onyx, Hematite, Obsidian

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Moonstone - will awaken new depths of creativity and imagination in Sagittarius. Its significant powers stem from its deep connection to the earth. It will give Sagittarius greater endurance and protect him form impulsiveness and inner peace.

Rm128 - SOLD

Handmade Baby Anklet with Swarovski Crystals for Evie

Rm25 - SOLD

Handmade Baby Anklet with Obsidian and Swarovski Crystals

Zodiac sign : Taurus

Obsidian - helps Taurus connect with his feelings and stay grounded. This allows him to weather the storms that life can bring.


A strongly protective stone, Obsidian forms a shield against negativity, providing a grounding cord from the base chakra to the center of the earth. It absorbs negative energies from the environment and blocks psychic attack and negative spriritual influences. In addition to carrying the generic properties of Obsidian, this shamanic stones removes disorder from the body and powerfully draws off negativity and repels curses. Black Obsidian forces facing up to one's true Self, taking you deep into the subsconscious mind, magnifying negative energies so that they can be fully experienced and released.

Rm28 - SOLD

Handmade Anklet - Turquoise Beads and Rudraskha Beads


Rudraskha Beads

Rudraksha beads are a sacred bead for followers of the teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism and Zen, and have been so for 5000 years. It is said that God looks favorably upon those who wear a Rudraksha bead, purifying them of their sins. Rudraksha beads are used in both meditation and everyday life.

This term "Rudraksha" literally means "the eyes of Lord Shiva" (also known as Rudra). It is written than Shiva meditated for years for the welfare of all living things. When he opened his eyes, tears dropped to the ground, giving origin to Rudraksha trees.

Rm 238 - SOLD

Handmade Anklet with Black Onyx and Tiger's Eye Stones

Black Onyx
In ancient times, Onyx believed to have a demon imprisoned within that would awaken at night, sowing discord, especially between lovers. Nowadays, strength-giving Onyx is a protective stone for dark nights and lonely places. Taking you forward to view the future, it facilitates being master of your destiny. A stone of separation that banishes old habits, Onyx is useful when a relationship needs stabilizing or when it has passed its sell-by date and needs releasing. Assisting in keeping your own counsel, Onyx holds memories of what happens to the wearer and can be used for psychometry. Effective in past-life work for healing old injuries and physical trauma affecting the present life, it anchors the flighty into a stable way of life and imparts self-control.
Black Onyx for Zodiac sign: Leo
To benefit Leos, to make their high-flying plans come true, Onyx must be pure black. This stone keeps their minds free and flexible.
Red Tiger's Eye
It is said Roman soldiers wore an engraved Tiger's Eye to protect them in battle, and it is still used as a protective stone. Combining earth energy with the energies of the sun, it creates a high vibrational state that draws spiritual energies to earth. Facilitating assertion and anchoring change into the physical body, this stones assists in recognizing talents and faults to be overcome and supports an addictive personality in making changes. Facilitating correct use of power, Tiger's Eye supports integrity and assists in accomplishing goals. It differentiates between wishful thinking and what one really needs, and assists in recognizing other people's needs.
In addition to carrying the generic properties of Tiger's Eye, Red Tiger's Eye overcomes lethargy and provides motivation. Speeding up a slow metabolism and increasing low libido, Red Tiger's Eye can used to enhance the flow of Qi.
Tiger's Eye for Zodiac Sign: Leo
Tiger's eye reinforces Leo's mental powers and helps him become more inward-looking. Thus he can come to grips with his weaknesses and overcome limitations. Then he will discover that well-being and happiness depend more upon one's spiritual development than an outward measures of success.
Rm 218 - SOLD

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Handmade Bracelet With Fresh Water Pearls and Green Fluorite for Zodiac Sign: Cancer


Cancer is home-loving sign concerned with nurturing and the family. It is the sign of the mother.

Birthstone: Pearl


In ancient legends, pearls were the tears of Gods. This stones helps to balance a Cancerian's erratic emotions and soothes the Heart Chakra. It attracts love and can give courage, attributes that this sign can lack.

Green Fluorite

Grounding excess energy, Green Fluorite dissipates emotional trauma, clears infections and absorbs negative energies within the environment.

Rm55 - SOLD

Handmade Bracelet With Silver Beads and Agate Stone for Zodiac Sign: Gemini


Birthstones: Tourmaline, Agate

Lively Gemini is ruled by Mercury. This talkative sign simply has to communicate. Multi-tasking Gemini has a natural adroitness that is reflected in its Agate birthstone. Agate's ability to stimulate precise, analytic attention to detail can help Gemini to overcome tendency to pass lightly over inconvenient facts.


A grounding stone, agate enhances mental function. It can help to focus Geminis, helping them to study the necessary details to understand the full complexities of a situation.

Rm60 - SOLD

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Double Dorje" Pendant with Garnet and Silver Beads Anklet

Double Dorje

In Tibetan the word dorje means, “indestructible". The dorje is a spiritual weapon used to banish non-truths and bring in the truth. The dorje is often used in a Tibetan Buddhist ritual, where it is twirled in order to bring in truth.

A dorje symbolically represented the 'thunderbolt of enlightenment' - an abrupt change in human consciousness which is recognised by all the great religions as a pivotal episode in the lives of mystics and saints.

The Dorje 'thunderbolt' is therefore an essential ritual object in Tibetan Buddhism. They are always used in combination during religious ceremonies.

Wearing this item will invest you with protection, good luck as well as a possible 'thunderbolt' of enlightenment, or clarity, especially during trying moments in a day!


Garnet is said to help in the treatment of disturbed blood circulation and to strengthen the heart. It brings vitality during the catabolic process and strengthens the memory. In passionate people the stone can also release negative energy.

Garnet symbolizes constructiveness. Mystics believe it brightens dark souls and brings hope to people.

Garnet works best on the root and sacral chakras.

*Specially designed for my best friend-Elaine"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chakras with Turquoise and Lapis Lazuli Beads Bracelet


Turquoise comes from the French turquoise, meaning "Turkey," which in ancient times encompassed Persia (Iran). This stone bridges earth and heaven and is sacred to Native American. To be given a Turquoise brings good fortune and peace. It is protective and has been used for amulets since time began, defending against injury, outside influences, or atmospheric pollutants. Promoting spiritual attunement and enhancing communication with the physical and spiritual worlds, Turquoise is an efficient healer, providing solace for spirit and well-being for the body. A powerful energy conduit, it releases old vows, inhibitions, and prohibitions, dissolves a martyred attitude or self-sabotage, and allows the soul to express itself once more. Turquoise shows how the creation of our "fate" depends on what we do at each moment.

Lapis Lazuli

The name Lapis Lazuli comes from the Persian lazuward, "blue." Prized for thousands of years, it was a favored stone in ancient Egypt, where it was believed to lead the soul into immortality and open the heart to love. The royal stone, it was said to contain the soul of the gods. A metaphysical stone par excellence, Lapis Lazuli is a key to spiritual attainment. Enhancing dreamwork and metaphysical abilities, it facilitates spiritual journeying and stimulates personal and spiritual power. Possessing enormous serenity, Lapis Lazuli is protective. Alerting to psychic attack, it returns the energy to its source. This stone highlights the power of the spoken word, and can reverse curses or disease caused by not speaking out.

The Chakras

Chakras are energy points linking the physical body with electromagnetic bodies around it. The name comes from the Sanskrit for Wheel. If blocked or overactive, chakras create disharmony. If untreated, this leads to physical, emotional or mental dis-ease. Crytals gently balance and realign chakra energies.

Rm 328 - SOLD

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Evil Eye" with Hematite, Malachite, Garnet, Tourmaline and Black Tourmaline Key Chain

Evil Eye
This amulet against evil eye is very typical in Turkey. You can find it all over Turkey: women use it as a bracelet, earring or necklace; Turkish people use it hanged in their house, office and also at their car, also babies have it hanged in their cloths. It should be mainly blue and look like an eye. Turkish people believe that with the evil eye amulet you will be protected and all the bad energy will be directed to the amulet and it will brake.


Malachite is named from the Greek for "mallow", a green herbaceous plant. Reputed to protect against the Evil Eye, witchcraft, and evil spirits, this stone is a powerful cleanser for the emotional body, releasing past-life or childhood trauma, but is best used by a qualified healer.

Garnet is a powerful energizing stone that protects you, and is said to warn of approaching danger, but draws harm to enemies. Traditionally used for engagement rings, Garnet inspires love and devotion and removes inhibitions and taboos. Opening the heart, it bestows self-confidence.

Carrying the generic properties of Pink Tourmaline and Watermelon Tourmaline is beneficial for relationship because it assist you in recognizing soul agreements and life purpose.

Rm 88 - SOLD

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hand of Fatima with Aventurine, Carnelian, Pearl and Black Tourmaline Key Chain

Hand of Fatima



Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is the most effective blocker of curses, psychic attack, and ill-wishing. It protects against cellphone emanations, electromagnetic disturbance, radiation, and negative energies of all kinds. Connecting with the base chakra, Black Tourmaline grounds energy and increases physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress. Clearing negative thoughts, it promotes a laid-back attitude, encouraging objective neutrality with clear, rational thought processes. It also instills a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances and stimulates altruism and practical creativity.

The pearl is a product of the pearl oyster, both sea water and fresh water. The colour ranges includes white, black, grey, pinkish-white, yellow-white, bluish-grey etc.

It signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps to provide a focus to ones attention. It also symbolizes purity and can stimulate that condition in ones body and mind; hence, providing a clear vehicle for the advancing states of wisdom, as well as a clean channel for receipt of spiritual guidance. The pearl has been known as a "stone of sincerity", bringing truth to situations and loyalty to a "cause".

Rm 120 - SOLD

Hand of Fatima with Hematite and Carnelian stones bracelet

Hand of Fatima
The Khamsa or Hamsa, (in Hebrew: “Khamsa” in Arabic: Hamsa means “five”) is an icon in amulets, charms, and jewellery, to protect against bad eyes.

An Islamic alternative name for this charm : “Eye of Fatima or the hand of Fatima” , regarding to Fatima Zahra, Prophet Muhammad’s daughter. The other meaning in Jewish is Miriam’s hand , as regards Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses. It is a sort of “protection of the hand” or “The hand of God“.

Hematite stones
It is said to protect a soldier going into battle, Hematite enhances personal magnetism. It can heal the anger and hurt felt by those who were warriors in previous lives, supporting those who face a karmic battle in the present life. Harmonizing mind, body, and spirit, this effective grounding stones removes excess energy and separates your emotions from those of other people. Worn on the right in right-handed people, it shuts down metaphysical awareness. On the left, it allows metaphysical faculties to remain open. During out-of-body journeying, Hematite protects the soul and guides it back into the body. Strongly yang, it balances meridians, redresses yin imbalances, dissolves negativity, and protects the aura.

Enhancing survival ability, this is an excellent stone for accessing the subconscious mind, drawing attention to unfulfilled desires that drive your life. Assisting in coming to terms with mistakes as learning experiences, it helps face the shadow side of your personality. An excellent booster for the memory, Hematite should not be used where inflammation is present, or for long periods of time.

Carnelian stone
The name Carnelian is derived from the Latin carnis, flesh. Carnelian was beloved of the Egyptians, who believed that it assisted the soul on its journey and had great protective powers in the afterlife. They wore it to calm anger, jealousy, and envy. A stabilizing stone with high energy, Carnelian anchors into the present reality, and is excellent for restoring vitality. Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones.

Imparting acceptance of the cycle of life, Carnelian removes fear of death and assists positive life choices. Useful for overcoming abuse, it helps you trust yourself and your perceptions, overcoming negative conditioning. Removing extraneous thoughts when meditating, it tunes daydreamers into everyday reality. A stone of abundance, it motivates for success in business and other matters.

Rm 148 - SOLD

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Aventurine" Anklet

History and legend
In ancient Greece aventurine was sewn into the clothes of men going to war to preserve their courage and optimism. It is said to enhance the sense of humor and cheefulness of its possessor.

Magical properties
Aventurine symbolizes tranquillity and patience. It gives the wearer inner equilibrium and stimulates dreaming.

Healing properties
Aventurine also has an effect on the pysche: it strengthens an individual sense of self. It is ideal stone fow those who are looking for a positive view of life.

Star sign
Particularly suitable for Cancer but also Taurus and Sagittarius.
Price: Rm 128 - SOLD

"Bhilu" Pendant with Turquoise and Coral Chain


The Bhilu or Yaksha (ogre) features a lot in the Jataka stories(folklore-like literature concerning the previous births of the Buddha). There are differant kinds of bhilus, who are higher and more powerful than animals. The bhilu as a work of art is an admirable thing. It is fearsome and at once graceful. There are all styles of bhilu: sitting bhilu, threatening bhilu, waiting bhilu, directing bhilu, sword bearing bhilu, flag carrying bhilu, etc. There are the bhilu that guards the forest, the one that guards the treasure, the one that guards a pond, monkey-bhilu, and so on and so forth.


From earliest times coral has been used as an amulet to protect children from childish diseases and teething troubles.Amulets were worn around the neck to ward off the evil eye and to protect from fever and plague. Coral amulets were supposed to protect the wearer from machinations of jealous friends or enemies.


Many cultures have long believed that turquoise has strong mystical powers related to health, luck, money and protection from evil spirits.

Price: Rm428 (Pendant: W-3cm H-3cm, Chain: Length: 56cm)

Friday, August 22, 2008


Talismans, Amulets and Charms have been used by people from all cultures, from all walks of life and from all levels of society to ensure, obtain, promote, and possess health, good fortune, magical powers, prosperity, protection, regeneration, safety, and wisdom.
Amulets are stones, necklaces, pendants, brooches and other crystalline objects that passively protect those who hold or possess them from harm and the evil machinations of others. Historically, the use of Amulets has been prevalent in all cultures from ancient to modern times as a means of defense against the Dark Forces and adversity caused by Black Magick.


Almost everyone agrees that amulets are small objects, worn to benefit their owners in some way. Some are used for a specific purpose to prevent colds, bring money, etc. Others simply bring general good luck. Usually, an amulet is placed around the neck. It can be worn as an ordinary necklace or pendant; or it can be put into a small silk or leather bag along with several other amulets if you like. Amulets can be worn anywhere as pins, cuff links, etc. For secrecy, they can even be pinned to an undergarment. (A single red garter worn on the left leg and bulging with amulets is a popular witch adornment.) Wherever an amulet is worn, the closer it is to the body, the more powerful its magic.