There's no denying gemstones are beautiful to see and sensuous to touch. Who can resist the sparkle of amethyst, the earthy warmth of jade and turquoise, the luminosity of pearls, or the glow of amber? Semi-precious stones and beads have been used for centuries as jewelry and adornment. They also have a long history as talismans, amulets, and ritual objects because they are believed to possess powerful healing characteristics and to produce particular spiritual effects.
It's possible that you're sensing their power to affect you when you're drawn, for example, to choose a jade necklace instead of a peridot one on a particular day (after all, they're both green). Or when a turquoise bracelet, all of sudden, is something you want to have on your wrist day after day. Or when you're willing to (irractionally, it might seem) spend twenty minutes looking for your pearl earrings because you don't feel like you can leave the house without them. Or it may be nothing at all.
Well, this blog provides information about the believed healing powers of a variety of gemstones as well as the history folklore surrounding the stones.
I hope you enjoy exploring the spiritual qualities and mythical meanings of beads and stones and the jewelry that I have created for your wearing enjoyment and giving.
"Gemstones are believed to possess powerful healing properties".
Love and Light.