Black Onyx
In ancient times, Onyx believed to have a demon imprisoned within that would awaken at night, sowing discord, especially between lovers. Nowadays, strength-giving Onyx is a protective stone for dark nights and lonely places. Taking you forward to view the future, it facilitates being master of your destiny. A stone of separation that banishes old habits, Onyx is useful when a relationship needs stabilizing or when it has passed its sell-by date and needs releasing. Assisting in keeping your own counsel, Onyx holds memories of what happens to the wearer and can be used for psychometry. Effective in past-life work for healing old injuries and physical trauma affecting the present life, it anchors the flighty into a stable way of life and imparts self-control.
Black Onyx for Zodiac sign: Leo
To benefit Leos, to make their high-flying plans come true, Onyx must be pure black. This stone keeps their minds free and flexible.
Red Tiger's Eye
It is said Roman soldiers wore an engraved Tiger's Eye to protect them in battle, and it is still used as a protective stone. Combining earth energy with the energies of the sun, it creates a high vibrational state that draws spiritual energies to earth. Facilitating assertion and anchoring change into the physical body, this stones assists in recognizing talents and faults to be overcome and supports an addictive personality in making changes. Facilitating correct use of power, Tiger's Eye supports integrity and assists in accomplishing goals. It differentiates between wishful thinking and what one really needs, and assists in recognizing other people's needs.
In addition to carrying the generic properties of Tiger's Eye, Red Tiger's Eye overcomes lethargy and provides motivation. Speeding up a slow metabolism and increasing low libido, Red Tiger's Eye can used to enhance the flow of Qi.
Tiger's Eye for Zodiac Sign: Leo
Tiger's eye reinforces Leo's mental powers and helps him become more inward-looking. Thus he can come to grips with his weaknesses and overcome limitations. Then he will discover that well-being and happiness depend more upon one's spiritual development than an outward measures of success.
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