Hand of FatimaThe
Khamsa or
Hamsa, (in Hebrew: “
Khamsa” in Arabic:
Hamsa means “five”) is an icon in
charms, and
jewellery, to protect against bad eyes.
An Islamic alternative name for this charm : “Eye of Fatima or the hand of Fatima” , regarding to
Fatima Zahra, Prophet Muhammad’s daughter. The other meaning in Jewish is Miriam’s hand , as regards Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses. It is a sort of “protection of the hand” or “The hand of God“.
Hematite stonesIt is said to protect a soldier going into battle, Hematite enhances personal magnetism. It can heal the anger and hurt felt by those who were warriors in previous lives, supporting those who face a karmic battle in the present life. Harmonizing mind, body, and spirit, this effective grounding stones removes excess energy and separates your emotions from those of other people. Worn on the right in right-handed people, it shuts down metaphysical awareness. On the left, it allows metaphysical faculties to remain open. During out-of-body journeying, Hematite protects the soul and guides it back into the body. Strongly
yang, it balances meridians, redresses
yin imbalances, dissolves negativity, and protects the aura.
Enhancing survival ability, this is an excellent stone for accessing the
subconscious mind, drawing attention to unfulfilled desires that drive your life. Assisting in coming to terms with mistakes as learning experiences, it helps face the shadow side of your personality. An excellent booster for the memory, Hematite should not be used where inflammation is present, or for long periods of time.
Carnelian stoneThe name Carnelian is derived from the Latin
carnis, flesh. Carnelian was beloved of the Egyptians, who believed that it assisted the soul on its journey and had great protective powers in the afterlife. They wore it to calm anger, jealousy, and envy. A stabilizing stone with high energy, Carnelian anchors into the present reality, and is excellent for restoring vitality. Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones.
Imparting acceptance of the cycle of life, Carnelian removes fear of death and assists positive life choices. Useful for overcoming abuse, it helps you trust yourself and your perceptions, overcoming negative conditioning. Removing extraneous thoughts when meditating, it tunes daydreamers into everyday reality. A stone of abundance, it motivates for success in business and other matters.
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