
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Handmade Anklet with Ametrine Stones

Zodiac sign: Virgo
Created for Ms Jocelyn Tan


This multi-colored stone consists of Citrine and Amethyst. It helps Virgo gain maturity and find a way of life that suits her. It also allows her to express her feelings. It dissolves emotional blocks and attacks the stagnation that hampers the growth of creativity and spirituality.

Handmade Anklet with Turquoise Stones

Zodiac sign: Libra
Created for Ms Michelle Tan


Turquoise brings together within itself the blue vibration of the heavens and the green of the earth. This is an ideal combination for Libra, who is always looking for harmony and balance. Since Turquoise captures the uplifting vibrations of the cosmos, it is an invaluable ally for those facing adversity.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Handmade Handphone Charm with Lord Ganesh and Black Tourmaline

Created for Ms Lai Kwan

Lord Ganesh

Lord Ganesh is the Hindu elephant-headed "over-corner of obstacles" who clears your path of any blocks. Call upon Lord Ganesh at the beginning of any ceremony or new projects to ensure a smooth start and steady progress. He's also very supportive of writers and helps anyone who's in a bind.

Handmade 'Ohm' Necklace with silver beads

Created for Ms Lai Kwan

Monday, September 6, 2010

Handmade Anklet with Sodalite, Rainbow Moonstone and Garnet

Zodiac sign: Cancer
Created for Dominique Tan (2nd piece)


Sodalite is a stone of insight, helping one penetrate paradox and contradiction in order to form a new synthesis of thought. It enhances the mental powers of analysis, intuition, observation and creativity and is stimulating to one's latent genius. It facilitates self-discipline, efficiency, organization and structure in research and other mental pursuits. It is an excellent stone for writers, business people, teachers, students, psychologists and those who delve into philosophy.

Handmade Anklet with Rainbow Moonstones and Garnet

Zodiac sign: Cancer
Created for Dominique Tan

Rainbow Moonstones

Rainbow Moonstone acts as a prism that diffuses energy throughout the aura. It assists in clearing the psychic senses and the mind and brings the frequency of joy to one's energy field. It is a positive protection stone, helping to deflect negativity and densities before they enter the energy field. It is particularly good for psychic protection and for maintaining clarity of energy while working on an intuitive level. Rainbow Moonstone can be helpful in clearing the emotional body as well and can be used to ease emotional trauma.

These remarkably beautiful gemstones emanate great vitality, life force and exuberant joy. Rainbow Moonstones offer the gifts of inner peace and harmony, emotional balance and strength, purification and transformation of negativity, as well as psychic protection.


Garnet is a powerfully energizing stone that protects you and is said to warn of approaching danger, but draws harm to enemies. Garnet carry the energy of prosperity and the enjoyment of worldly pleasures.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

Libras are masters of the art of living. They seek balance in all things. Very individualistic, they actively strive for justice, beauty and harmony. They do not like to make decisions, but they have an intuitive sense of where they are going and how to get there. Consequently, they avoid many pitfalls; it is as if they were being guided by an unseen hand. Their first instincts are usually right. Libras cannot bear to live in a conflict-ridden atmosphere and are sometimes quick to compromise. They are willing to suffer disadvantages in order to keep the peace. Their desire for harmony can therefore be detrimental to some Libras, who end up sacrificing their own interests to please others. They need to be on their guard against this tendency.

When Libras learn to justify appreciate their inner happiness, they can shake off the fear they have of losing, even if only for a short time, the affection of others, be it in their personal or professional life.

Handmade Anklet with Chrysocolla Stones

Zodiac sign: Libra
Created for Joyce Tan

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

The sign of marriage and partnership, Libra is happiest in relationships: not surprisingly, since amorous Venus rules this charming sign. Peace and balance are keynotes of all kinds.


This stone fosters tolerance and harmony. It calms the stressed-out Libra and helps her let go of anger and hatred more quickly. When her inner balance is upset by excessive emotion, Chrysocolla will show Libra the way back to her natural inner composure.

Handmade Bracelet with Sodalite Stones and Butterfly Symbol

Zodiac sign: Cancer
Created for Maggie Ang

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancer has a gentle soul. She can give herself to others and cares for all growing things. The protection of the family circle is very important for Cancer.

Sodalite Stone

Sodalite strengthens one's mental faculties. Its blue color helps Cancer keep a cool head in the midst of powerful emotions. It also encourages her to return to face the challenges from which she has retreated.

Butterfly symbol

Throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas, butterflies have maintained their standing as a symbol of the soul and rebirth.

The butterfly will aid you in achieving depths of inner and outer exploration far beyond the ordinary. As a symbol of personal transformation, your spirit helper will hover ever-near to assist you in all those changes within yourself and within environment that are necessary for you to attain the highest level of enlightenment.