
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Handmade Bracelet - Lapiz Lazuli with Obsidian stones

Zodiac: Sagittarius
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis enables Sagittarius to realize his aspirations and share his plans with others. It also helps him find a partner with whom he can share his love and who will accompany him on life's adventure.
Obsidian will help Sagittarius in pursuing his goals and in his journey of self-discovery. It protects him from doubts and negative influences that could constrict his talents. Obsidian can help Sagittarius overcome emotional blockages and unhealthy vibrations and restore his natural optimism.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My new creations for the year 2010.


Carnelian is a talisman. It brings good luck to child and man. It drives away all evil things; To thee and thine protection brings. From such a gem a woman gains sweet hope and comfort in the pains.
As early as 2500BC, the Egyptians wore Carnelian in the belief that it would bring peace by dispelling envy, anger and hatred. Even today, Carnelian is considered to hold special powers. Carnelian is also reputed to promote courage, eloquence and self-confidence.
Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones. Imparting acceptance of the cycle of life, Carnelian removes fear of death and assists positive life choices. Useful for overcoming abuse, it helps you trust yourself and your perceptions, overcoming negative conditioning. Removing extraneous thoughts when meditating, it tunes daydreamers into everyday reality. A stone of abundance, it motivates for success in business and other matters.
AUM sign - written in Sanskrit
The sacred word of the Divine All-Knowing. The basis of all creation vibrating throughout the universe, containing all vibrations. The sound used in meditation and as a mantra for clarity and balance. Also spelled as OM.
A - vibrates in the heart center, creation, Father, conscious, Hindu: creation, Brahma
U - vibrates in the throat center, evolution, Son, subsconcious, Hindu: perservation, Vishnu
M - vibrates in the vault of the palate assimilation, Holy Spirit, superconscious, Hindu: destruction, Shiva
Deflecting negative energy, increasing the wearer's stamina, and giving him/her inner harmony. It promotes self-confidence and a sense of resposibility and helps its possessor achieve success.